Begojo Community Guidelines
Begojo is a platform where meaningful connections can be made through translation. Whether you're seeking linguistic assistance or providing translation services, Begojo is here to help. We want to foster a positive and inclusive environment for all users. To ensure a safe and enjoyable experience, we have established the following Community Guidelines:
Responsible Sharing: Please be cautious and thoughtful when sharing information. Avoid publicly broadcasting personal details such as phone numbers, email addresses, or social handles. Additionally, never ask others to provide their personal information. Be mindful when engaging in financial transactions or sharing sensitive data.
Violence-Free Environment: Begojo promotes positivity and does not tolerate violent content. This includes any form of gore, death, or explicit descriptions or images of violent acts against humans or animals. Content that involves weapons or glorifies self-harm is strictly prohibited. In cases where there is a risk of imminent harm, we may provide assistance by reaching out with crisis resources.
Authenticity Matters: Be yourself on Begojo. Do not create fake accounts or pretend to be someone you're not, even if it's intended for amusement. We encourage genuine interactions based on trust and honesty. Respectful Communication: Interacting with individuals from diverse backgrounds can be challenging. Show respect to others in your communication. Avoid harassment, threats, bullying, intimidation, doxing, sextortion, blackmail, or any behavior intended to cause harm. Take a moment to reflect and respond calmly if a conversation becomes challenging or upsets you.
Anti-Hate Policy: Begojo is a space free from racism, bigotry, hatred, or violence based on a person's identity, including race, ethnicity, religion, disability, physicality, gender, gender identity, age, national origin, or sexual orientation. If someone doesn't meet your personal criteria, simply move on without reporting them unless they have violated our policies.
Promoting Kindness: Any action or behavior that suggests, intends, or causes harm to another member, whether online or offline, physically or digitally, will be taken seriously. This includes calls for harm or incitement to violence. Adult Users Only: Begojo is exclusively for adults aged 18 years or older. Minors, including photos of unaccompanied or unclothed minors, are not allowed on the platform, regardless of their adorableness.
Compliance with the Law: Engaging in illegal activities or sharing illegal content is strictly prohibited on Begojo. This includes buying or selling drugs, counterfeit goods, or soliciting assistance for illegal activities. Any involvement in harm concerning minors or human trafficking is intolerable.
One Account per Person: Each individual must have their own Begojo account for logistical and privacy reasons. Multiple people accessing the same account is not supported.
Respect Copyrights and Privacy: Only post your own content on Begojo. Do not share images or private messages from other users without their explicit consent. Do not post copyrighted or trademarked material belonging to others. Be an Honest Member: Do not abuse Begojo for personal gain. Do not spread false or misleading information. Avoid spamming harmful links or sending unsolicited content. Mass account creation, manipulation, scams, or attempts to solicit money or other valuables are strictly prohibited. Do not submit misleading reports or use third-party apps to exploit features.
Regular Activity: To maintain an active community, accounts that remain inactive for two years may be deleted. Ensure you log into your Begojo account periodically if you wish to continue using the app. Reporting: We encourage all members to report any harmful behavior, discomfort, or violations of our Community Guidelines. Your reports are confidential and contribute to creating a safe environment for all users. By reporting, you help us address harmful behavior and protect our community.
Consequences: We take the Community Guidelines seriously and aim to ensure their adherence. We have a warning system in place, but for severe or persistent violations, we will take appropriate action, including account investigation and termination without refunds. Our goal is to maintain a respectful and secure community for all users.
Remember, we reserve the right to investigate and/or terminate accounts without a refund of any purchases if we find that you have misused the service or engaged in inappropriate, unlawful, or guideline-violating behavior, including actions or communications that occur off the app but involve others you connect with through the service.